We went to Lily Kazilly's tonight for dinner. It is a restaurant on the marina. It's a 3 km walk one way so we decided to put Anthony in his stroller this evening and hike it. We were seated on the patio looking out to Peche Island. It was nice and cool by the water and we enjoyed a glass of wine while watching the sunset. Anthony was entertained by the many sailboats that went by and by the big ship that came by. The food was okay but nothing special. Eating out just reinforces each time that I can make better tasting and healthier food at home. But anyway, it was our anniversary so it was nice to go out and have some family time. It was also nice to get the nice long walk in on a beautiful summer night.
I checked out the garden this evening. We'll have radishes in a couple of days. I'm so excited for Anthony to pick something. Here is the garden thus far:
The method that we are attempting to garden with is Square Foot Gardening and so far so good I have to say! there is nothing better than growing what you eat. We dream of moving out to where we can have more land to plant a big garden and install a greenhouse. Our dream is to also live off the grid and generate our own electricity with renewable energy sources. Maybe some day we may have the opportunity to do so.